Posts tagged as

Stephen Amann

August 2022 Interns and Resident of the Month

Congratulations to Katie DeMars, Rick Lin, and Steve Shen who tied for Intern of the Month and congratulations to Stephen Amann for being voted Resident of the Month for August! Honorable Mentions: Kyle Robbins, Jonathan Lopez, Michael Blotner, Michael Barry, Kirk Jones, Shailen Shah, William King, Haneen…

January 2022 Intern and Resident of the Month

Congratulations to Joseph Liu and Sam Epstein for being nominated Intern and Resident on the Month for January! Honorable Mentions Stephen Amann, Omkar Betageri, Fatima Chagani, Teja Chakrala, Tyson Hamilton, Anshul Jain, Justin Kim, William King, Jonathan Lopez, Yi Luo, Nathan Northern, Poojan Parikh, Ray Richhart, Ahmed Sarheed, Drew…

September 2020 Interns and Resident of the Month

Congratulations to  Steve Qian and Drew Stein who tied for Intern on the Month and Josh Patton for being voted Resident on the Month! Intern Honorable mentions: Ellery Altshuler, Stephen Amann, James Caldwell, Jonathan Harder, Jessica Hundal, Peter Jiang, Jonathan Lopez, Patrick McAlpin, Minh Nguyen, Jessica Sohn, and Andrew Tucker…

July 2020 Intern and Resident of the Month

Please congratulate July’s intern(s) and resident(s) of the month! Intern(s) of the Month: Madeline Smoot and Jonathan Harder Honorable mentions: Stephen Amann, Alexa Collozo, Christina Hopkins, Anshul Jain, Sam Kennedy, Jonathan Lopez, Vishal Patel, Tander Simberloff, Brianna Wasserstrom, Talmage Wood Resident(s) of the Month: Justin Lewis and…