A major part of the Internal Medicine Residency Curriculum is the various teaching conferences throughout the week. Ranging from didactic lectures from distinguished faculty to practical case conferences, residents gain the essential knowledge needed to practice medicine as well as build the core knowledge base often tested during the ABIM Board Exam.
Morning Report
Morning report occurs every Wednesday at 7:00am at Shands Hospital. This is truly protected didactic time because the night team stays an extra 30 minutes on Wednesday morning to provide coverage for all the general medicine teaching teams. Morning report is an interactive case-based conference where residents review and discuss cases recently admitted to the teaching services. The goal of morning report is to help residents develop history and physical exam skills, interpret laboratory and diagnostic data, create focused differentials, and ultimately learn both evidence-based and practical techniques in the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic diseases.
Noon Conferences
Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday residents are expected to attend Noon Conference at Shands. During Noon Conference, various faculty members from the Department of Medicine give one-hour long didactic lectures about the core topics of Internal Medicine. The conferences are scheduled in blocks based on the sub-specialty topics which represent the published ABIM question breakdown. Lunch is catered at all of our noon conferences.
Medical Grand Rounds
The Department of Medicine conducts weekly Grand Rounds on Thursday mornings at 11:00 a.m. Distinguished guest lecturers and expert faculty discuss controversial topics, new research, or give reviews about core topics in Internal Medicine. In addition, every few weeks Grand Rounds features “Great Cases” given by residents and faculty.
Intern Boot Camp
Each Thursday from Noon-12:45 p.m. an Intern Boot Camp geared towards the PGY1 class is held in the Department of Medicine Library. This hour is spent reviewing common intern topics such as replacing electrolytes, efficiently admitting and discharging patients, and how to respond to SWATs.