The overall structure of our Clinician Educator Track is as follows:
University of Florida Internal Medicine Resident Clinician Educator Track
The Clinician Educator Track will have longitudinal mentoring and graduated responsibility over PGY1-PGY3. Completion of a capstone scholarship and dissemination of that scholarship will be an important required metric for certificate of distinction as a Clinician Educator at the end of PGY3 year.
Longitudinal Requirements
- Completion of the RAST (Resident as Teacher certificate (10 sessions before December of PGY3 year, one is completed intern year). This will constitute the didactics for the program.
- Completion of a capstone scholarship project and dissemination of that project.
- Completion of individual PGY2 and PGY3 requirements.
- Two debriefing sessions/retreats per year for all Clinical Educator track residents.
PGY2 Requirements
- Three teaching sessions that may be done during ambulatory and elective time
- Identify a mentor to help with capstone project and education portfolio. A list of approved mentors will be made available.
- Solidify scholarship design, implementation, and timeline to complete capstone project.
- Present one education-focused journal article at morning report
PGY3 Requirements
- Participate in at least one of the following:
- Present Medicine Grand Rounds Great Cases; this will be peer-reviewed
- Participate in UFCOM Internal Medicine Interest Group
- Assist in UFCOM Internship 101 (with permission from COM)
- Complete Education Portfolio (peer review evaluations will show progression as an educator)
- Complete Capstone Medical Education Scholarship project and submit as abstract, poster, or presentation at regional or national meeting (example: SGEA, ACP)
- Submit Capstone project for publication
- Present Capstone project at Medicine Grand Rounds (10-15 mins, peer-reviewed)
- Three teaching sessions: one required teaching session in ambulatory clinic for PGY1 (either primary care clinic or a subspecialty clinic); two additional sessions of resident choice.
- Present one medical education-focused journal article at morning report
- If requirements are met, resident will achieve a Certificate of Distinction as Resident Clinician Educator as well as the certificate from the RAST (Resident as Teacher) Program.