
Throughout the 3 years of training, residents are exposed to a balance of both inpatient and outpatient medicine. Never during the three years of training will residents feel overwhelmed and without “back-up.”  There are always senior residents, fellows, and attendings ready and willing to provide residents with support. As residents progress through our training program, their knowledge and skills will increase. With their increased training, comes the added freedom to lead teaching services, make autonomous clinical decisions, and ultimately practice evidence based medicine comfortably and independently.

L to R: Ali Nassereddin, Justin Kim, William King,
Front: Kat Fu

Common Aspects of the Schedule

We utilize a traditional schedule throughout residency. There are several weeks each year that are universal to all residents regardless of their PGY 1, 2, or 3 status:

  • 3 weeks of Vacation (split into one 2 week block and one 1 week block)
  • 1 week of Evidence-Based Medicine
  • 1 month of Ambulatory Medicine
  • 4 days off at either Christmas or New Years

PGY 1 / Intern Year

During each resident’s first year, he or she will spend a majority of time on inpatient ward services at UF/Shands Hospital and the VA Medical Center. During the first year, a resident’s knowledge will grow exponentially. In addition to the above common schedule aspects, the first year schedule includes the following rotations:

  • 4-6 weeks of Shands MICU
  • 5-6 months of Inpatient Wards at Shands and the VA
  • 2 weeks of Night Intern Cross Cover at Shands
  • 8 weeks of Elective
  • 2 weeks of Emergency Medicine at Shands
  • 2 weeks of Procedure Service at the VA

PGY 2 Year

In the second year, residents are entrusted with more responsibility and more freedom. They are also transitioned to a modified traditional schedule with one half day of clinic per week while on wards rotations as an upper level. They lead the teaching services and continue to develop their knowledge and technical skills. In addition the above common schedule aspects, the second year schedule includes the following rotations:

  • 2-3 months of ICU (Shands MICU, VA MICU, or CCU)
  • 4-6 months Inpatient Wards
  • 2 weeks of Night Team at Shands or the VA
  • 2-3 months of Elective
  • 2 weeks of Emergency Medicine at the VA

PGY 3 Year

Finally, in the third year, residents continue to fine tune their knowledge and skills, often directed towards future career interests. During this year, intense studying begins for the ABIM Board Exam and transitioning to life as a practicing physician or fellow in a subspecialty area. In addition to the above common schedule aspects, the third year schedule includes the following rotations:

  • 2 months of ICU (Shands MICU, VA MICU, or CCU)
  • 2 weeks of Night Team at Shands or the VA
  • 3-5 months of Inpatient Wards
  • 3-5 months of Elective
  • Dedicated month of June for Internal Medicine Board Review

Ambulatory Medicine

Each year, residents spend one month on ambulatory medicine where they are exposed to outpatient clinical medicine in Internal Medicine subspecialty clinics, primary care, and urgent care. Specialized clinics include typical internal medicine subspecialties, including:

Bone Marrow Transplant, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Hematology, Oncology, GI, Hepatology, Nephrology, Pulmonology, Radiology, Rheumatology, Sleep Medicine, etc…

Continuity Clinic

Categorical interns and residents spend one half day of continuity clinic per week while on all rotations (excluding vacation, ICU, and nights). Residents provide care to their panel of patients and serve as the patient’s primary care provider. We utilize four sites for Continuity Clinics: UF Health Medical Plaza, VA Outpatient Clinic, and the UF Kanapaha and Springhill Clinics located 10-15 minutes from the main campus. Incoming residents may select which clinic they prefer prior to starting their intern year and will remain in that clinic throughout the course of their residency.

Quality Improvement/Evidence-Based Medicine (QI/EBM)

During the QI/EBM rotation, residents select a clinically relevant question to investigate from the inpatient wards. Next, they learn how to search for a significant publication to present during designated journal club, evaluate the validity and applicability of their article, and discuss their findings in a small group setting. Residents learn how to critically appraise medical literature, and portions of biostatistics and epidemiology. To protect this valuable learning experience, residents are not placed on back-up call during this week and have no clinical responsibilities other than attending their continuity clinic and educational conferences.