Welcome to the Research and Quality Improvement Gator Council!
Do you want to stay up to date with the most current research and literature in medicine but don’t know how? The websites/links below will provide you with some of the week’s best in evidence-based medicine, including links to articles and short summaries of the results, delivered right to your inbox. They are all free; all you have to do is sign up.
Also provided are some helpful apps you can download on your phone that have the most notable/recent literature and a couple links to some great medicine podcasts.
In terms of Quality improvement, we strives to improve quality improvement and efficient workflow within the hospital. Below are just some examples of our current activities.
- Handoff process at UF health and VA, through EPIC and CPRS respectively
- UF IM residency website updates
- Monthly issues of our official residency newsletter, Gator Doc Periodical
- Increasing resident exposure to Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
- Participation in Root Cause Analyses at the VA
We encourage you to join us!
Websites/Weekly Emails
- The Scope: https://www.medicinescope.com
- AMA Morning Rounds: https://www.ama-assn.org/life-career/email-newsletter-publications
- Medscape (Multiple options for specialties): https://profreg.medscape.com/px/newsletter.do?lang=en
- ACP Internist Weekly (Also has options for hospitalist weekly, Diabetes monthly and GI monthly): http://www.acpinternist.org/subscribe/
- Journal Wise (Multiple options for specialties; need ACP login which was already paid for by UF): https://www.acponline.org/clinical-information/journals-publications/acp-journalwise
- NEJM Journal Watch (Multiple options for specialties): https://secure.jwatch.org/registerm?cpc=JWATCH&promo=OJFLJRGH&step=1
Apps for your phone
- Journal Club ($)
- NEJM This Week
- PodMed (Weekly podcast that reviews recently published articles; episodes are ~10 minutes long): http://podcasts.hopkinsmedicine.org/category/podcasts/podmed/
- Curbsiders (Weekly podcast that uses expert interviews to bring to discuss various topics, clinical guidelines, and occasionally recently published articles [Paradigm-HF, Sprint]): http://thecurbsiders.com/